Tags / Caching
Travelling Salesman Problem
- Study of TSP running on NetKernel with cache replacing dynamic programming
This paper offers an analysis of the application of NetKernel and Resource oriented computing to the well known Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). This discussion ignores the many approximate approaches to solving this problem which are necessary for real-world problems of any significant complexity. The aim, however, is to show how ROC can automatically optimise a solution which it knows nothing about other than empirical data collected during execution. The algorithm structures the problem into sub-problems many of which overlap with each other - this occurrence is called overlapping subproblems.
Published Apr 6, 2017
8 min read
Saving Energy With Contextual Caching
Energy usage by human society is rightly a big issue moving forward. Not because using energy is intrinsically bad but because our methods of obtaining enough usable energy are damaging the planet. Energy usage by IT continues to grow1 and is now a non-trivial proportion of global energy use2. Even as our technology continues to become more energy efficient due to the hard work of many smart people our total energy requirements continue to grow.
Published Feb 19, 2015
7 min read
energy efficient computing
Heap Tuning for Large NetKernel Instances Part 2
In the last post I set the stage for a discussion on how to tune large NetKernel instances by providing a discussion of how the Java heap operates and how the NetKernel representation cache interacts with that. Now we are ready to get into the details of how to tune your system. So let’s get stuck in. First we need to capture a of couple metrics: Fixed OldGen - this is composed of the long lived objects that are the modules, spaces, endpoints and kernel data structures.
Published Feb 7, 2013
9 min read
Heap Tuning for Large NetKernel Instances Part 1
I’m writing this post to document information that I learned whilst developing the new NetKernel enterprise L1 representation cache (released today!). Knowledge of how to tune large Java instances is readily available but because NetKernel uses a cache as an integral part of it’s operation and usually this takes up a significant majority of the heap space of a running system this effects the conventional wisdom. So this article summarizes and augments this information with tips and details for tuning large NetKernel instances.
Published Jan 25, 2013
6 min read